Advanced Training

Self-Learning Programme

Basics of RGS Rebar

Learning Instructions

  • Download and install RGS REBAR Free Trial
  • Watch the videos and then do the exercise in RGS REBAR in the suggested sequence

1. Special Bend Tools

Concept: - This menu is used to edit the existing special bends. User can Export and Import
the special
Menu : Rebar Tools / special bend tools / special Bend editor

Exercise: -
1.Edit the pictures as shown as below.


2. Create and Insert Details Library

Concept: - This is the library, which has got the Elements detailed and stored for each Detailing
Code. Repeating Elements like Pile Cap, Column etc., can be detailed and stored in the Library
and can be recalled and reused for any number of times.
Menu : Rebar Tools / Details Library / Create Library
Command : CRL
Exercise.1: -
Create any object like Footing, Beam etc and follow the steps given below.
Let us assume creating a details library for a beam structure
1. Select the details library option in Rebar tools from the menu, now select the create library
2. Create a preferred template name as BEAM, template type as BEAMS and template id as
3. Now click select objects from the bottom of the dailog box and window select the beam
which you want to create detail library, Save the created library.
4. Select the insert library option from details library in Rebar tools from the menu
5. Insert the template from the following location
C>Program files>RGS>RGS Rebar 4.0>Library>TIS (TIS detailing code)> Select the created
6. select the assigned template type and Id.

3. Job Preferences

Menu : Detailing / Job Properties / Job Preferences (Button)
Command : jp
Job Properties:-
Properties required for detailing the job has to be set using Job properties
menu. We can set the properties like, Job details, cover details to be used in the
drawing for the job, Location of Takeoff folder, Bid items, Bar defaults and Job
preferences. (Detailing Code, special bend files, Format of BBS, Bar mark,
Callout, Label, Title Block, and CAD Standards etc).
This settings file is known as Job settings file (.*jsf).
Exercise: -
To create new Job settings file
Detailing / Job Properties: Select the Detailing code.
Detailing / Job Properties / Job Preferences: -
The following points explain how to create the new job settings file.
1) Select the Detailing Code – ACI 315_99
Detailing settings file – ACI 315_99
2) Report: User can create different types of BBS format and Placing List formats
a) BBS Formats: -


3.Bar mark: -
Exercise-1: -
a) Create a settings for Bar mark = A001
i) Bar mark syntax – Bar no only selected from the available field
ii) Assign bar marks for straight bars – selected
Exercise-2 -
a) Create a settings for Bar mark which shows the bar size, bend alias and Leg
iii) Retain bar mark is should not be selected for new drawing. This option can
be selected and use it for the Revision works drawing.
iv) Bend alias - Not applicable
v) Barmark affecting factors :
1.Bar size
2.Bend type
3.End preparations
4.Leg values were selected from the available field.
(Alpha code and Element mark are not selected)
vi)Starting number for bar mark – 001 and of characters in barmark – 6.
vii) Bar marks settings for varying bars – Single bar mark for varying set with
varying suffix option is selected.
Viii) Bar mark based on Element mark is not selected. No fixed bar marks are

4.Callout :-
i)Callout format for Straight bars :-
1.Places = 6x2x16 # 6 23’9” @ 24” VEF (EP) LE : CP
10.Total Length
Callout :-
18.End preparation
ii) Callout format for Bend bars:
1.Places = 6x2x16 # 6 6A004 @ 24” VEF (EP) LE : CP
10.Bar mark
18.End preparation
ii)Format of ALT Bars spacing – Double spacing is selected.
iii)Auto clouds rebar objects for revisions are selected and Auto cloud for
Revision greater than 0 is given.
iv)Revision border block is selected.
v)Callout positioning from insertion point – 2” given in X & Y direction.

5.Labels: -
i) Straight bar Label format: -
1.Bar type = #6 23’9”@24” VERT (EP) LE : CP
2.Bar size
4.Total length
10.End preparations
ii) Bend bar Label format: -
1.Bar type = #6 6A005 @ 24” VERT (EP) LE : CP
2.Bar size
4.Bar mark
10.End preparations
ii) Label positioning from insertion point – 2” given in X & Y direction.

6.CAD Standards: -
i) RGS-Rebar Imperial A1 Sheet selected for Title block
ii) Rebar & View – Rebar layer for Rebar and Rebar – view layer for view
iii) Rebar – Range layer for Range, cover layer for cover lines
iv) Range blocks and revision blocks are selected.
v) Call out – Rebar-callout layer and text style – callout text
vi) Label – Rebar-label layer and text style – label text
vii) Element mark – element mark layer – element mark text
All rebar entities are assigned with respective named layers and text styles.
ix)BBS header Data, Header text, BBS Row Data & BBS Row text are
assigned with same name layers and text styles.
ii) Label positioning from insertion point – 2” given in X & Y direction.

7.Presentation Settings: -
i) Visibility factor for Model space:
Arrowheads, bar donuts, BBS Block, callout, custom text, Dimension text,
Element mark, Elevation block, Label, Range block, Range Donut and Revision
Block all are assigned = 48.
Detailing blocks – 1.
ii) Paper settings for Presentation
a) Range donut size = 0.084inch
b) Text height
BS Block = 0.084inch
Callout = 0.094inch
Element mark = 0.1inch
Label = 0.094inch
c) Bar Donuts
Bar donut for presentation = 0.04inch

8.Others: -
a) Takeoff format file – PLF
b) Truck details -
Truck width – 88 inches
Truck load - 40000lbs
c) Length Details -
Stock length – 480 inches
Shipping length - 540inches
Mill length - 720inches
d) Allow hook value other than standard value is not selected.
e) Maximum detailing length – stock length
f) Maximum length validation based on – Theoretical length
g) Takeoff total length based on -Theoretical length
h) Length Display format = FT’-IN”
i) Leg value rounding factor for straight bar = 1” and Bend bar = 0.5”
j) Total Length rounding factor for straight bar = 1” and Bend bar = 0.5”
k) Length rounding method = nearest
l) Coating abbreviations: -
a) Epoxy - (*EP)
b) Galvanized - (*GV)
c) Dipping - (*DP)
h) Minimum Leg Value for respective Bar sizes: -
# 3 = 4 inches
# 4 = 4.5 inches
# 5 = 5.5 inches
# 6 = 7 inches
# 7 = 8 inches
# 8 = 10 inches
# 9 = 14 inches
# 10= 16 inches
# 11 = 18 inches
#14 = 22 inches
#18 = 29 inches
All settings are finished and saved as a Job settings file.

4. CAD Standards

User can customize the range blocks, revision blocks and layer settings.
Exercise: -
Create a CAD standards file with new layer settings and colours as per customer
1. Create a new CAD Standards file with the following setting.
2. Range line end closed with Donut = 

3. Callout text style = Times new roman
4. Rebar colour = Magenta

5. Redraw Entities

Menu : Rebar tools / Redraw entities
Command : RES
Exercise: -
1.Change the rebar colour as Magenta in Job properties menu
2.Redraw the bars, colour of rebar will updated.
3.Change the CAD Standards file as described above and reload the file in Job
Preferences screen.
4.Redraw the existing ranges.


6. Rebar Spread

Menu : Rebar tools / Auto Detailer / Rebar spread
Menu : Rebar tools / Auto Detailer / Rebar spread
Command : RSP
Exercise: -
Create a slab structure and follow the given steps
1. Go to Rebar tools>Auto Detailer>Rebar spread
2. On the Rebar spread dailog box enter the required fields
3. Click on opening button and select opening covers
4. Click on conditional support buttons and select support positions
5. Select draw horizontal button, wait until the bars are drawn
6. Finally select draw vertical button and wait for it’s completion